2007至2012年,Devin在美国夏洛特皇后大学攻读哲学和世界宗教专业,至此他的自我探索之路才初见端倪。在哲学上扎实的学习成为了他对瑜伽练习的领悟的重要部分。Devin 在美国 Yoga One(隶属Baron Baptiste旗下的一家顶级工作室)获得200RYT全美瑜伽联盟认证。在那里,他用两年时间学习了Baron Baptiste的瑜伽哲学和方法,并认识到:瑜伽是适合每一个人的、是对自己的身、心、灵的全新认识。
9am-12pm 手和手臂支撑的基础
2pm-5pm 连贯与平衡的流动
我们将会通过手臂和手支撑体式学到一些新的练习方法,这样就能获得更多的力量、可持续性、以及适应性。连贯的意思是在一个既定结构中存在的一种持续的连接状态。平衡的意思是看似对抗的力量处在平衡的状态,并且没有一方会胜过或压倒另一方。通过阴瑜伽与流瑜伽体式, 手支撑体式,以及理疗体式,我们将探索到连贯和能量平衡的真正含义。
9am - 12pm 手倒立
2pm - 5pm 心的阴瑜伽
学生将会学到如何建立一个有力的、有意的、充满智慧的的手倒立练习。这里讨论的主题包括:1)对手腕和肩膀的准备;2)直臂手倒立的力学和技巧;3)可持续性与顺位;4)手倒立的变体;以及 5)如何将手倒立作为一种生活的实践。练习手倒立其实很像爬山。在我们攀登的时候,我们每走一步都会得到一个新的视角。但在刚开始,我们很容易在攀登中迷失 - 在原地兜圈。除了找到正确的路,在课堂中我们还会寻找让我们在大山中安全前行的方法,最后去思索这个旅程的意义。练习手平衡是在教会我们如何打开心门去信任,去征服恐惧。心经和小肠经的主要脉路对应相关的情绪,因此阴瑜伽体式能帮助我们去打开情绪,去接纳和包容。这次工作坊中阴瑜伽的练习,也是作为手支撑平衡、倒立、和后弯等体式的互补。
练习瑜伽是自我探索的过程,其本质就是要不断质疑,因为这是一个剥落我们的表象和自我的过程。由于我们深信这些表象就是我们自己,所以在抵达核心和剥落表象的过程中,我们时常会感到困惑,好像我们正在丢掉自己,丢掉我们所熟知的一切似的。最好的克服办法就是坚持练习, 彻底地清洁我们的内在与外在。
Devin studied Philosophy and World Religious Studies as his major from 2007 - 2012 at Queens University of Charlotte in the US, it is from there he began his road of self-recognition. The knowledge in philosophy had become an important foundation for him to grasp his yoga practice. Devin obtained his 200RYT from YOGA ONE (a studio belonging to Baron Baptiste). There he studied the yoga philosophy and way of teaching of Baron Baptiste and realised that yoga is suitable for everyone and by practicing yoga , the union between our body, heart and soul takes place.
Class Schedule
3/19/16 Day 1
9am-12pm Handstand and Armstand Basics
2pm-5pm The Flow of Connect and Balance
We will learn how to gain power and sustainability by practicing handstand and armstand. Connect means to be continuous in a state for period of time and balance means to maintain between two seemlingly opposite power. From Yin yoga, flow yoga, hand prop to therapy asanas, we will find out the real meaning of connect and balance of our energy.
3/20/16 Day 2
9am - 12pm Handstand
2pm - 5pm Heart's Yin Yoga
Students will learn how to build up a wise, powerful, mindful handstand. We are discussing here, 1, the preparation of wrist and arm, 2, the mechanics and tricks behind, 3, maintaining and alignment, 4, the variations of handstand, 5, how to apply the practice of handstand into our daily experience.
When we have just started hiking in the mountains for the first time, we tend to get lost, moving around in circles, just like when we are starting new with handstand. Apart from finding the right way, this workshop will lead you to search for the way to move safely in the mountains, to know that every step we take gives us a new perspective then to ponder on the meaning of the journey. By practicing hand balancing asanas, we are taught to open up, to be trusting and to overcome fear. The heart and small intestinal meridians are the reflectives of our emotions, therefore Yin yoga asanas help us to unfold our emotions, to accept and to bear.
Yoga practice is a self-recognising process, becasue we are slowly peeling off our appearance and ego, it is natural to have doubts. We believe so well that these appearances are our nature, before we finishing peeling off our ego to see our truth, we must feel confused. It feels as if we are losing parts of us and everythingthat we know so well. The best way to overcome this doubt is by persistent practice, to completely remove the impurities from our outside to the inside.
学费 Tuition Fee
早鸟报名优惠价格: 人民币1380(会员早鸟1280) (3月3日截止)
原价: 人民币1580 (会员原价1480)
详情请咨询 Astha Yoga 课程顾问或致电 028-86666681。For further details, please contact our Lesson Consultant or call us at 028-86666681
条款及条件 Terms & Condition
- 早鸟优惠将至2016年3月3日截止
Early-bird Discount ends 03 Mar, 2016. Please see above for listed prices.
- 退款及取消 Refund and Cancel Policy
因名额有限,2016年3月3日起取消者恕不退费。办理退款将酌收10%手续费,费用将直接从退款中扣除 No refund or credit will be given for cancellation starting 03 Mar, 2016. All refunds are subject to a 10% processing fee that will be deducted from your refund.
- 全程英文授课,中文翻译。课时共12小时
This workshop is taught in english with Chinese translation. Class time is 12hrs in total.