OM 是来自宇宙的初始音。- 圣哲帕坦伽利的瑜伽经

OM is the beginning sound of the universe. - Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra.


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在 ASTHA,用瑜伽精神中的: 真诚、奉献和耐心去感染他人、创造一个瑜伽的家是我们的宗旨。专业的设施和温暧的环境希望带给这个大家庭里的每一个人身体的健康与灵性的成长。

我们正积极扩充「会籍顾问」及「新媒体运营:编辑、策划」团队,我们也常年欢迎资历优秀、经验丰富的「瑜伽老师」的加入,如果您有兴趣加入 ASTHA YOGA 这个瑜伽大家庭,请点击以下链接,填写网上申请表格, 选择提交后我们会尽快致电或通过邮件与您取得联系。

At ASTHA, to apply the yoga spirit of Honesty, Diligence and Patience to influence the others and to create a loving home for practice is our goal . In this professionally designed space and warm environment we are hoping to nourish everyone in this big family with health in body and mind. 

We are now expanding our 「Lesson Consultant」& 「New Media Operations: Editing, Planning」 team, and if you are interested in joining this warm family of ASTHA YOGA, please click on the link below to fill out an online application form. After submitting, we will get in touch with you through telephone or email ASAP.