在哈他(Hatha)一词中,“哈”(ha)的意思是太阳,“他”(tha)的意思是月亮,我们练习的所有体位法与调息法都叫做哈他瑜伽。Hatha 代表男与女,日与夜,阴与阳,冷与热,以及其他任何相辅相成的两个相对概念的平衡。哈他瑜伽教会我们如何合理地调配身体的能量和呼吸的节奏,更深一层的效果是使身体各机能有序运转,从而使心灵获得宁静,变得祥和。
瑜伽的“调息法”在梵语称之为 'Pranayama', 其中 'Prana' 意思是”生命之气”,'ayama' 是“扩张、扩展”的意思。瑜伽的调息法通过有规律地吸气和呼气,以及有意识地进行屏息,刺激和按摩所有的内脏器官,进而唤醒潜藏在体内的能量(生命之气),使之得以保存、调理和提升。
Panna 来自瑜伽发源地印度。她擅长于哈他,调息法以及 Sivananda Yoga 的练习与教授。Panna 拥有长达10年的教学经验并曾长期为来自美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、英国领事馆的外交官们安排并开展瑜伽课程的教授。
• 2004年 喀拉拉邦 印度 获得 Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram 瑜伽教师认证资格
• 2005年 美国 获得美国运动协会 American Council on Exercise (ACE) 认证的教师资格
• 2007-2008年 美国纽约 获得美国普拉提协会(USPA)认证的普拉提教师资格认证
本次的公开课程,Panna 将会带来调息法 、哈他、休息束与大家一起分享我们没有体验过的瑜伽课程。课堂会从呼吸开始调理并清洁我们的内脏与大脑,然后通过哈他的体式让肌肉得到锻炼与放松,最后在休息束中找到身心灵的平和。
Panna 的课堂一如回归到家庭般温暖与归属感。希望我们都能在她的课堂中感受到平静的力量与瑜伽的奥妙, 真正的体会到,瑜伽是向内的、关注内心的练习。自6月19日起,Panna 将在 Astha Yoga 开设哈他、调息法以及 Sivananda 常规课程。
时间 Time:6月19日
地点 Place:成都市人民南路4段3号
(来福士景观平台4楼 英孚EF教育旁)
报名方式 :
非会员 99RMB/次
'Ha' means the sun and 'tha' means the moon, all asana and pranayama practice are called Hatha Yoga. Hatha means the balance of two opposite concepts which completes each other, hence man and woman, day and night, yin and yang, cold and heat. Hatha Yoga teaches us how to properly deploy our energy and the rhythm of our breath, the deeper the effect is to make the orderly operation of body functions, so that the mind is tuned to be quiet and in harmony.
The yogic breathing exercise in Sanskrit language is called 'Pranayama', where 'prana' means 'gas of life' and 'ayama' means 'expansion, extension'. In pranayama practice we apply rhythmic inhalation,exhalation and conscious breath holding to stimulate and massage all the internal organs, and to wake up the hidden energy (prana) in our body, so that it can be preserved, conditioned and lifted .
Panna comes from the birthplace of yoga - India. She specializes in the practice and teaching of Hatha, Pranayama and Sivananda Yoga and has been teaching long-termly for the diplomats from the American Embassy, Australian Embassy, Canadian Embassy and the British High Commission.
• Yoga Shiromani from the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram, Neyyar Dam,Kerala, India November 2004.
• Certified Fitness Trainer from the American Council on Exercise (ACE)
USA 2005.
• Certified Pilates Instructor from the United States Pilates Association(USPA) NewYork, 2007- 2008.
On 19 June, Panna will lead a lesson with Pranayama, Hatha asanas and shavasana, to give us an experience that we never had before. We will start with some breathing exercise to condition and clean our respiratory organs and the brain, and then through asanas to exercise and relax the muscles, and finally to find inner peace within shavasana.
Panna's classroom delivers the warmth of home and a sense of belonging. We hope for everybody to find the strength in calmness and the proundity in yoga, to really appreciate that yoga is an inward, focused internal journey.
From June 19th on, Panna will be taking regular lessons of Hatha, Pranayama and Sivananda at Astha Yoga.
Date & Time:June 19th
Place: L4 T3, Raffles City,
South Renmin Road Section 4,
How to enrol:
embers are free of charge
Non-members are at 99 RMB.
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How to Claim: Screenshot sent to our Wechat platform for confirmation. (Payments are non-refundable.)