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David Miliotis阿汤传奇大师,89年起跟随阿汤鼻祖Pattabhi Jois的入门弟子,中国首行!

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即便在资讯如此发达的当今时代,顶尖技艺的传承仍然只能依靠老师的亲授才是最为纯正。技艺尚且如此,有着百年历史的阿斯汤加的传承更是如此。作为西南地区第一个开办阿斯汤加Mysore的瑜伽馆,我们一直致力于推广阿斯汤加,我们不远万里多方找寻老师,只为给习练者最为纯正的传授,和深处盆地也如亲临Mysore的传承感。经过一年的邀约、半年筹划,David Miliotis将于明年3月亲临阿什塔进行为期5日的工作坊授课。

Who is David Miliotis? 老师介绍

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与阿汤鼻祖Pattabhi Jois 密不可分的关系

早在 1989 年David便开始跟随 Sri K. Pattabhi Jois在美国加州的圣巴巴拉市习练阿斯汤加瑜伽。这个偶然的接触使 David 和阿斯汤加瑜伽及乔伊斯家庭的关系密不可分直至今日。他在美国科罗拉多州的博尔德跟随 Richard Freeman 学习一段时间之后,于1999年再次返回印度迈索跟随上师学习。又经过六个月的学习后,David 获得由上师亲授的阿斯汤加瑜伽认证的瑜伽师资格。而那之后他又数次重返迈索求学,在 2009 年他成为第一批在 K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute 阿斯汤加瑜伽研究院由上师和其孙亲授的获得阿斯汤加瑜伽二级认证的瑜伽老师。 

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助力Sri K.Pattabhi Jois ,推广阿斯汤加

David 在瑜伽哲学及梵文方面的造诣深受乔伊斯家族的认可,早在 2004 年他就被选为示范助教帮助上师传播阿斯汤加瑜伽。在 2010 至 2014 年,David 作为首席瑜伽老师和助理经理,在乔伊斯家族于加州的恩西尼塔斯市开设的瑜伽坊中授课。在 2011 年前 David 一直致力跟随 Sharath Jois 拓展阿斯汤加瑜伽在美国的传播。 

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由于谨记瑜伽应该是理论和实际相结合的修行,David 凭着对梵文、唱诵、瑜伽经典的渴求,2012 年他开始跟随 Vidwan Shrikantha Shastri(在圣地亚哥教授印度古典吠陀经的大师)学习,2014 年 David 协助 Shastri 主持阿斯汤加瑜伽交流盛典,超过 300 位阿斯汤加习练者集聚一堂,知名的的阿斯汤加习练者如 Manju Jois, Richard Freeman, Tim Miller, David Swenson and Dena Kingsburg 都参与了此次盛会。David 对瑜加的痴迷与奉献为他赢得了极大的荣誉,正是因此在此次盛会上也是由他带领习练者在开幕式上进行拜日式的演示。 

作为一位瑜加师,David 秉承 Pattabhi Jois 大师的信仰“瑜伽应该是全人类的”。在2004年,David 在圣巴巴拉县开展了一项将瑜伽介绍给青少年的项目。他编著书籍《瑜伽习练者指导》。他还一周两次在线网络教授唱诵、呼吸及与学员进行讨论各种理论,定期召集学员交流学习,并为大家准备传统印度食物(展示他多年在迈索学习瑜伽过程中学习的厨艺),David 游走于美国各地教授瑜伽,致力于瑜伽的传承。

David目前在美国纽波特海滩和"蓝太平洋瑜伽"教授阿斯汤加Mysore课程,并且分别每周领课一次。 值得一提的是,最近 David 还与Richard Freeman,Kino MacGregor等齐名,被评选为全美100位最有影响力的瑜伽老师。

作为有如此丰实瑜伽阅历和阿汤传授经验的传奇大师,David Miliotis生活的大部分时间都在美国传授最为正统的阿斯汤加,分享来自于Pattabhi Jois创立的阿斯汤加原汁原味的精神及能量。经过阿什塔一年和David Miliotis的恳商和协调,终于和David Miliotis一起锁定在2019年3月以“阿斯汤加”之名相聚,为中国的阿汤爱好者开启David Miliotis的首场阿斯汤加工作坊处女秀。具体本次授课方向和课程安排如下:




详细地审视Ashtānga瑜伽的序列,我们将研究体式的传统形式,从中学习如何在锁印和中脉中成功地建立稳定的练习。同时我们还将学习其中呼吸的运用方法,用以在串联中唤醒内在的觉知。 这种古老的呼吸和体位法方式整合我们的能量和能量通道,为我们的身体和心灵带来轻盈和活力。

2) 瑜伽呼吸法

我们将在Ashtānga瑜伽练习和逐步建立坐姿冥想练习的背景下学习瑜伽呼吸法的精妙之处,在呼吸中建立扎实的基础是让我们能优雅地、毫不费劲地完成体式及串联的秘诀。 当呼吸正确时,我们的中脉得以稳定,如此冥想就自然的发生了,学员们会通过学习发现这项传统的练习是如何带领我们在瑜伽的垫上与垫下练习中,走向优雅和冥想的清明。

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3) 瑜伽理论:

学习理论就像通过鸟的眼睛看世界,使我们可以在生活和实践中获得更广阔的视野,更清晰和更大的目标。 Ashtānga瑜伽是在”圣哲Patañjali瑜伽经”的哲学基础之上建立的。 我们将学习这本古老文献中所奠定的基石,它系统地将瑜伽的学习过程以深刻及充满人性的方式整理在了一起。 练习,与哲学学习相结合,使我们的瑜伽练习得以获得持久与满足,成就更加健康、幸福的生活。

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课 程 安 排

 Day1   周三 3月27日






Prāṇāyāma 瑜伽呼吸法和瑜伽理论

 Day2  周四 3月28日 


传统Mysore Style 阿斯汤加




Prāṇāyāma 瑜伽呼吸法和瑜伽理论

 Day3  周五 3月29日 

传统Mysore Style 阿斯汤加




Prāṇāyāma 瑜伽呼吸法和瑜伽理论

 Day4  周六 3月30日 


传统Mysore Style 阿斯汤加




Prāṇāyāma 瑜伽呼吸法和瑜伽理论

 Day5  周日 3月31日 






Prāṇāyāma 瑜伽呼吸法和瑜伽理论


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T3平台4楼   雅诗阁酒店5楼







- 退款及取消 

- 早鸟优惠将至2019年2月28日截止 

- 特殊早鸟截止至2018年12月31日

- 因名额有限,2019年2月28日起取消者恕不退费。

- 办理退款将酌收10%手续费,费用将直接从退款中扣除 

- 培训全程英文授课,专业瑜伽老师翻译,培训时长共30小时


David Miliotis

In the earliest days of establishing his yoga practice in 1989, David was introduced to Ashtanga Yoga by the world renown master, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, who had traveled to teach in Santa Barbara, California. This fortuitous experience began David’s relationship with both Ashtanga Yoga and the Jois family, and continues to this day. By the time David traveled to Mysore, India in 1999 to study again with Pattabhi Jois, he had studied with Richard Freeman in Boulder, Colorado. After his initial six month stay in Mysore with Pattabhi Jois at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute, David was granted teaching authorization. Since then, David has traveled to Mysore numerous times. In 2009, he was among the first to receive the newly created Level 2 Authorization from Sharath Jois, director of K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute.

Recognized for his devotion to blending daily practice with the study of philosophy and Sanskrit, David was selected as one of four participants in a yoga demonstration presented by Pattabhi Jois in 2004 to a gathering of Mysore business dignitaries. When Jois Yoga Encinitas, opened in California in 2010, David served as a principal instructor of the Mysore Ashtanga program and assistant manager until 2014. David continues to work with Jois Yoga to host Sharath in California.

Mindful of yoga as an integrative practice of the physical and the philosophical, David is an avid student of Sanskrit, chanting and the Yoga Sūtras. Since 2012, he has studied under the tutelage of Vidwan Shrikantha Shastri, a scholar and priest with the Veda Geetha Foundation, San Diego. At the 2014 Ashtanga Yoga Confluence, David and Shastri conducted the opening ceremony (Pūja). David’s dedication and excellence to yoga has earned him the unique honor of teaching to the widespread Indian community in San Diego. He routinely leads members of this community through Sun Salutations (Sūrya Namaskāras) during their community celebrations (Pūjas).

 As a teacher, David skillfully incorporates Pattabhi Jois’s belief that yoga belongs to “the entire human community.” In 2004, David founded and operated the Tapas Project, a program that brought yoga to at-risk teens in Santa Barbara County. David is the author of “Sanskrit and Chanting: a workbook for yoga practitioners.” He teaches weekly online chanting and philosophy classes, and regularly hosts Sanghas of chanting, prānāyāma and discussion. These gatherings culminate in a meal representative of the traditional food of Southern India that David prepares from the ample store of recipes he learned to cook during his many stays in Mysore. He travels throughout the U.S. teaching courses and workshops at yoga studios dedicated to preserving the Ashtanga tradition with its emphasis on parampara, the passing of knowledge through direct and practical experience from teacher to student. 

David currently teaches a traditional Ashtanga Mysore program in Costa Mesa. He also teaches Led Primary Series weekly at Pacific Blue Yoga, Laguna Beach. Most recently, he was listed among the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in the USA

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The Art & Science of Ashtānga Yoga

Positioning Ourselves for Success + Prāṇāyāma & Yoga Theory


 Wednesday, March 27: 

Morning (2 Hours), Led Primary Series

Afternoon (4 Hours), The Art & Science of Ashtānga Yoga: Sūrya Namaskāra & Standing Postures + Prāṇāyāma & Yoga Theory

 Thursday, March 28: 

Morning (2 Hours), Mysore Style Ashtānga Yoga

Afternoon (4 Hours), The Art & Science of Ashtānga Yoga: Standing Postures, Seated Postures & Transitions + Prāṇāyāma & Yoga Theory

 Friday, March 29: 

Morning (2 Hours), Mysore Style Ashtānga Yoga

Afternoon (4 Hours), The Art & Science of Ashtānga Yoga: Seated Postures & Backbends + Prāṇāyāma & Yoga Theory

 Saturday, March 30: 

Morning (2 Hours), Mysore Style Ashtānga Yoga

Afternoon (4 Hours), The Art & Science of Ashtānga Yoga: Backbends, Intermediate Postures + Prāṇāyāma & Yoga Theory

 Sunday, March 31: 

Morning (2 Hours), Led Primary Series

Afternoon (4 Hours), The Art & Science of Ashtānga Yoga: Intermediate Postures + Prāṇāyāma & Yoga Theory


The Art & Science of Ashtānga Yoga

1) Positioning Ourselves for Success:

Examining, in detail, the Ashtānga Yoga sequence, we will look at the traditional form of the postures learning how to position ourselves for successful establishment in the Bandhas & the Central Channel. We will also learn the methodology of breathing to awaken our internal alignment within the Vinyāsa system. This traditional approach of breathing & posture integrates our energies & channels bringing lightness & vitality to our bodies & minds.

2) Prāṇāyāma:

We will study the subtleties of Prāṇāyāma in the context of our Ashtānga Yoga practice and the development of a seated meditative practice. Being grounded in breathing is the secret that carries us gracefully & effortlessly through the postures & Vinyāsas. When breathing is correct, we are established in our Central Channel and meditation arises naturally. Students will learn to see how this traditional system brings meditative clarity & gracefulness to our practice of yoga both on & off the mat.

3) Yoga Theory:

Philosophical study is like the bird’s eyes through which we gain a broader perspective, more clarity & greater purpose in our life & practice. Ashtānga Yoga is founded upon the philosophy presented in Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras. We will study the stepping stones laid down in this ancient text, which brilliantly systemizes the process of yoga in an insightful & humanitarian manner. Practice, combined with study, brings longevity & satisfaction to our yoga practice resulting in a healthier & happier life.