“‘Practice, practice, practice and all is coming.
练习,练习,练习,一切随之而来。”             -- K. Pattabhi Jois”

瑜伽理疗:脊柱理疗/肩髋理疗 Yoga Therapy

有句老话说得好:“脊柱的年龄就是你的健康年龄。“ ASTHA的理疗瑜伽的锻炼侧重点是在脊柱周围肌肉群的激活和放松两个方面,不仅有助于减缓背部或肩膀的疼痛,解决肠胃消化、排泄和睡眠问题,也有助于减缓肌肉硬化引起的各种脊柱的变形、侧弯等。对各种身体的不适能给予很大的帮助。非常适合初学者和身体条件有限的学员。

哈他体式精讲 Alignment Hatha


The Sanskrit word Asana comes from the root of asa, which means sitting. Asana does not refer to the final posture of the body, but every process from the beginning of the asana, and to maintain it securely in the asana.

Traditional Hatha Yoga, each individual is like a gem, which needs to be polished repeatedly and carefully trimmed to truly shine.

In the Hatha style intensive course, there will be more in-depth explanations and requirements for the entry style, breathing flow, and stay of the basic style. By awakening deep muscles and inner awareness, you feel the new challenges from the basic form. At the same time, from the basic form to find the body potential, to gain physical ability, to find the key to safety practice, open the door to the body.

慢速流动 Slow Flow

slow down,slow down.当你慢下来,找到爆发力与肌耐力的连接,找到静止与流动的连接,找到呼吸与体式的连接,你就真正找到与自己的连接。慢速流动,在哈他的基础上,强调体式进入、停留和退出的顺位,用呼吸衔接体式,用更精准的发力、更稳定的控制,放慢流动速度,感受体式与呼吸之美。

Slow down, slow down. When you slow down, and you find the connection between explosive power and muscular endurance, find the connection between rest and flow, find the connection between breathing and body, and you really find a connection with yourself.

Slow flowing, on the basis of Hatha Yoga, emphasizes on the position of body entry, stay and exit; We use breath to articulate asanas, with precision we gain more stability, slowing down the flowing speed, feeling the beauty of body and breathing.

迈索尔 Mysore

迈索尔风格的练习是 Sri K. Pattabhi Jois 在南印度城市 Mysore 所教授的传统 Ashtanga 瑜伽。在课程中不会有领课,老师将依据每位学员的不同练习程度而进行一对一的传统 Ashtanga 序列的教授。在老师的引导下每位学员将会练习自己能完成的部分。学员更可在上课期间的第一小时內,隨时进入教室练习。

The Mysore style of yoga asana practice is a particular way of teaching yoga within the Ashtanga Yoga traditional  as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in the southern Indian city ofMysore. The class is not "led" as a whole but rather all instruction is one-on-one within the group class setting. Students practice their own portion of the Ashtanga sequence of asanas at their own pace. Students are allowed to drop in one hour within the class starting.


拜日式 Surya Namaskara

又称为向太阳敬礼式组合 ,Surya Namaskara。印度瑜伽师们认为太阳是赐予世间万物生命的源泉,没有太阳就没有一切生命。 拜日式是体式中的体式,根基中的根基,正确的练习拜日是一个非常联合好的开端。无论您是初学者,还是中高级练习者,这些都值得我们反复思考和练习,Sharathji说,你可以在拜日式中,与神相遇 You can see the God in Surya Namaskara。

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation, is a Yoga technique comprising a sequence of 12 asanas. Besides good health, Surya Namaskar also provide an opportunity to express gratitude to the sun for sustaining life on this planet. The sun symbolises light, purity, clarity and consciousness. Regular practice of Surya Namaskara imparts the power and radiance of the sun, that is why it is known as “Salute to the Sun”. Stimulates circulation, improves physical fitness, the ability to concentrate,  mental stability and spiritual development.

热瑜伽 Hot Yoga  

Hot Yoga是 Bikram Choudhury 在20世纪70年代在哈他瑜伽基础上初开创的。 室温控制在38-42摄氏度左右,湿度为40%。这经典的26个体式经过百万人的经验被证明能给予身体各个部位(血管,内脏,肌肉,韧带)尤最大化的排毒作用而保证它们的正常运作。

Bikram Yoga is the 26 postures Sequence selected and developed by Bikram Choudhury from Hatha Yoga. It is ideally practiced in a room heated to 40 °C (104 °F) with a humidity of 40%. It has been proved and experienced by millions that these 26 postures systematically work every part of the body, to give all the internal organs, all the veins, all the ligaments, and all the muscles everything they need to maintain optimum health and maximum function.

 热拉伸 Hot Stretch


流瑜伽 Flow 


Flow is the modification of Ashtanga, meaning the flow of energy. Dynamic Fluid postures are throughout the class to stimulate the digestive system, to massage into the organs where detoxification is done. This class helps to increase your energy level. 

流+热 Flow + Hot


To complete the basic flow of asanas in the high temperature environment, this style of practice is designed to meet the modern need to get sweat detoxification and a deeper degree of exercise. To ensure students' safety, the course suggests that the participant with high blood pressure, heart disease, and skin sensitivity should not join.

艾扬格 Iyengar

艾扬格瑜伽(Iyengar yoga)是由印度瑜伽大师艾扬格(B.K.S Iyengar)创立和教授的哈他瑜伽课程,并且以他的名字来命名的,它非常注重人体正确的摆放,生理结构,骨胳肌肉的功能等,强调体位动作的精准,到位,讲究身心放空。

顺位 Alignment


The focus of this course is the accurate alignment of body parts. Analyzing each body part without much flowing pose provides students enough time to understand function of each pose and alignment of bones. With detailed analysis of Standing, Seating, Back-Bending, students are able to achieve preparation for senior yoga courses.

核心 Core


Core muscle group, not only the source of our energy, it is the foundation of well-being, so whether from the bodybuilding or health point of view, we should train our core muscle group. Core muscle group is responsible for the stability in our movements. It is also the power bank for our strength, playing a pivotal role in linking the upper and lower limb for co-operation and integration. The core is the basis for yoga exercises and is therefore suitable for all stages of the member practice.

串联流动 Vinyasa-krama


基础体能 Stamina Basica


曼陀罗唱诵 Mantra Chanting

瑜伽的古圣先贤们认为唱诵的价值远大于任何体式或者呼吸练习。曼陀罗是富有意义的、正面积极的言语。反复诵念曼陀罗可以产生强大的力量,推动你内在的生命力向着正向、积极的方向生长,净化你的心灵,让你更多地去体会到快乐、幸福。而高度集中的反复诵念就已进入冥想状态了—— 一种身体自然修复、节能的状态。





古典哈他 Classic Hatha

古典哈他——现代各类瑜伽之母 古典哈他——五千年瑜伽之本源。 古典哈他透过练习动作和呼吸,达到对「专注力」的训练, 使『心』能够不受干扰地安住在平静中——精神内守,病安从来? 古典哈他就是这么神奇又朴素, 每一个普通人都能通过专业的古典哈他训练一步步开启智慧之光。

修复瑜伽 Restorative


A deeply relaxing healing practice focused on stimulating the parasympathetic system with the purpose of calming the body and the mind. In this class, props such as belts, bolsters, blocks.Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included. Suitable for anyone seeking to alleviate the strains of a busy and stressful lifestyle.

哈他 Hatha

一种传统的瑜伽练习方法。“哈(Ha)”代表“太阳”、“右脉”或“右鼻腔”。“他(Tha)”代表“月亮”、“左脉”或“左鼻腔”。哈他瑜伽的练习有助于调节阴阳平衡。其练习是在一个体式中停留一定的时间,并随着练习的深度给出一些体式的变体。Hatha 课程包括:体式、调息、唱诵、冥想以及意识的放松。适合任何级别的课堂,对身体、呼吸及心灵均有正面的帮助,以提升内部力量及更深入地开启身体。

It's a traditional yoga practice. 'HA',means the sun, the right pulse or the right nostril. 'THA', means the moon, the left pulse or the left nostril. HATHA practice balances the ying and yang in our body and calms down the mind. HATHA practice includes: asana, pranayama, The asana practice emphasises on holding the posture for a good amount of time, with each inhalation and exhalation our body opens up more with more energy added to it. This lesson is suitable for students at any levels. 


瑜伽疗愈 Yoga Healing



阿斯汤伽 Ashtanga

Ashtanga的原意是指八肢。Patanjali 这位印度智者在瑜伽经中告诉我们,这八肢分别是Yama(持戒),Niyama(精进),Asana(体位法),Pranayama(调息),Pratyahara(制感),Dharana(专注),Dhyana(冥想),Samadhi(三摩地)。不过一般人所谈的Ashtanga,是指Sri K.Pattachi Jois所授的体位法练习。Ashtanga这套古老的瑜伽体系由Sri T.Krishnamacharya 自1927年开始传授给 Sri K.Pattachi Jois。Sri K.Pattachi Jois 也是当代八支瑜伽体系的宗师,现在他的孙子继续在印度 Mysore 传承这套传统智慧。

Ashtanga 瑜伽是一连串充满活力的哈他体位法,练习包含了流畅的串联,并强调 Bandhas(内锁)、Breath 呼吸与 Dristi 凝视点。专注的练习可以创造深刻的内在热能及放松的冥想状态,可以有效强化心智的集中、力量的锻炼、增强肺部的容量,并达到排毒、修复、净化身心的效果。

Ashtanga,Sanskrit word, means eight limbs. Patanjali have told us in ‘Yoga Sutra’that eight limbs are Yama(Ethics), Niyama(Discipline), Asana(Posture), Pranayama(Life force extension), Pratyahara(Withdrawal), Dharana(Concentration), Dhyana(Meditation), Samadhi(Intense concentration achieved through meditation). But generally spoken of Ashtanga, it is referring to the style of asana practice taught by Sri K.Pattabhi Jois. This traditional system of Ashtanga yoga was passed on from Sri T.Krishnamacharya to Sri K.Pattabhi Jois since 1927. Sri K.Pattabhi Jois is also a master of Ashtanga in modern times with his grandson still imparting this timeless wisdom in Mysore. 

Ashtanga is a particular energetic series of Hatha asanas. The practice includes fluid Vinyasa, emphasis on the importance of Bandha, Breath and Dristi. The practice of concentration can create heat in deep tissue of our body and help reaching the state of meditation. Ashtanga brings us with high level of focus, strength, bigger capacity of lungs, in the meantime detoxifies, repairs, purifies our body,heart and soul.


瑜伽入门 Yoga Basic


A beginners practice focused on introducing the basic concepts and postures in the yoga tradition. Students will learn about connecting the body and mind with the purpose of increasing awareness and stability. Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included. Suitable for new practitioners and students who want to increase their knowledge of the fundamental poses and alignment in yoga. This class serves as an introduction to the practice of yoga and sets the foundation for other yoga classes.

阴瑜伽 Yin Yoga

相对于一般阳性、动态的瑜伽,阴瑜伽更重视冥想的练习,强调被动,不强迫的长时间停留。慢慢让疗愈的能量渗进骨骼关节与结缔组织,提升人的活力,并达到纾压放松的效果,也可以平衡阳性的练习,让阴、阳能量在身体里顺畅流动。 阴瑜伽的训练,主要强化骨盆、髋部、下腹部还有脊柱的结缔组织。练习以地板动作为主,所有姿势都需要长时间的停留、短则3分钟,长则10-15分钟。

Comparing to Yang and dynamic yoga, Yin focuses more on the practice of meditation, emphasises on passive, unforced asanas staying for long duration of time. The practice slowly penetrates the healing energy into our bones, joints and deep tissues, promotes positive energy and helps our body to reach total relaxation. Yin also helps us to balance the Ying and Yang energy, to allow them to flow smoothly. The practice of Yin puts focus on pelvis, hip joints, lower abdomen and the connective tissues around our spinal region. The practice is mostly done on the floor, requires students to stay in one asana for a long duration of time, varing from 3 mins to 10or15 mins.

阴与休息术  Yin & Nidra

瑜伽休息术意指带着一丝觉知的睡眠。那是一种介于清醒和做梦之间的心智状态。修习瑜伽休息术的你,是打开心智的更深层面。在这个瞬间,你的理性心智在运作,但当你能够放松时,心智的潜意识和无意识层面会打开......潜意识心智和无意识心智是人类最强大的力量。瑜伽休息术的简单练习,有穿透人类心智深层的能力。 通过练习瑜伽休息术,我们不仅是在放松,而且从内部重新构建、改造我们整个个性,像神话中的凤凰,每练习一次,我们都在烧毁旧的业、习惯和倾向,已得到新生!

It means sleep with a trace of awareness. That’s a state of mind between sober and dreaming. Through practicing Nidra, the deeper side of your mind will be opened. When you can relax, the subconscious and unconscious mind will open...The subconscious mind and the unconscious mind are the most powerful forces of human. The preliminary practice of NIDRA can penetrate the deep human mind.

Through practising Nidra, we are not only relaxing, but also rebuilding and transforming our whole personality.Just like the Phoenix in myth, every practice,we are burning out old habits and tendencies and reborn.

阴 - 阳瑜伽 Yin-Yang


An asana practice that blends strengthening and softening elements with the purpose of balancing the body. Students will experience both, an invigorating practice combined with long held deep stretches to cultivate a focused and meditative mind. Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included.Suitable for beginners and students with some yoga experience looking to balance their strength and flexibility. No full inversions are included in these classes.

深度修复 Relaxing Restorative

修复瑜伽:俗称压力的解药。受艾扬格瑜伽的启发,使用一系列道具为完全深度的放松提供条件和环境,加之与呼吸的配合,激活副交感神经来疗愈身心。而此深度休息不同于睡眠,睡眠使人做梦,在梦境中肌肉仍处于紧张的状态;也不同于Yoga Nidra(休息术),休息术是保持身体的放松,意识的警觉。修复更强调身体深层次的松弛,毫不费力的去做体式,同时让大脑处于相对安静舒缓的状态,从而缓解压力。

女性核心 Core For Women


墙绳修复 Wall Restorative I

艾扬格瑜伽(Iyengar Yoga)是由印度瑜伽大师艾扬格(B.K.S Iyengar)创立的教授哈他瑜伽和辅助其他流派以及体式理疗精进简化的一种方法和练习方式,非常注重人体正确的摆放,生理结构,骨骼肌肉的功能等,强调体位动作的精准,注重身体和精神的放松。辅助工具的使用也是艾扬格瑜伽练习方式中重要的方法和手段。墙绳就是其中一种辅助工具,方法多样,在艾扬格辅助工具中有着不可替代的位置。

呼吸控制法 Pranayama

Meditation 冥想 冥想是一种心灵平静、不起涟漪的状态, 而所有的瑜伽练习都是为了让我们更加接近冥想的状态。冥想课程中,我们运用不同的方法去帮助我们找到这种状态, 静态冥想、动态冥想、唱诵、烛光冥想、脉轮冥想、调息法等。通过“觉察”去和“真我”或者也称为“先天意识”直接沟通。通过练习冥想,即可帮助人们告别负面情绪,重新掌控生活。

烛光冥想 Trataka
