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二级授权老师 Dany Sa 6-day Ashtanga Yoga Immersion 六日阿斯汤加深度工作坊

遇见 Dany Sa  

Dany Sa. KPJAYI 学院 阿斯汤伽2级认证老师

Dany Sa. Ashtanga yoga teacher. Authorized Level 2 by KPJAYI       

1998年毕业于里约热内卢大学芭蕾舞专业。在2002年,她开始练习瑜伽并学习瑜伽哲学。参加了 Pedro Kupfer 在弗洛里亚诺波利斯的瑜伽老师培训,在2005年完成了第一部分,在2008年完成了第二部分。她从2006年开始跟随 Matthew Vollmer在里约常规地习练阿斯汤伽。随后又在旧金山跟随 Clayton Horton 学习,并在他的课堂上助教。Dany 在印度 Mysore 的 Ashtanga Yoga Institute(KPJAYI)跟随 Saraswathi 和 Sharath 精进她的修习。曾在2013年11月和2016年1月在 Sharath 的教室里做助教。

Dany Sa认为阿斯汤伽的修习是人生的哲学,通过这个修习,我们能够探索、认知自我,收获一条更好的、更加幸福的人生之路。




Ashtanga yoga是来源于由Vamana Rishi(圣哲瓦玛塔瑞斯)纪录的一份古老的资料,被称为《Yoga Korunta》(瑜伽合集)。这本合集在1900年初期,由Rama Mohan Brahmachari(拉玛莫汉布茹阿玛查瑞)传授给Sri.T.Krishnamacharya(斯瑞特克瑞斯那玛查雅)。Pattabhi Jois(帕塔比乔伊斯)于1927年开始跟Sri.T.Krishnamacharya(克瑞斯那玛查雅)学习并传承Ashtanga yoga。


Tristhana:这是三个行为的结合:体式(Asana)、呼吸(Breathing) 和凝视点(Gazing point),是瑜伽练习的非常重要的部分,它们之间互相影响,可以帮助净化我们的身体、神经系统和意识。

The Six Poisons:6个障碍



以上是Guruji的关于Ashtanga Yoga练习及哲学的教诲。


第一天 星期二 6月21日 

上午7:00~上午9:30 Mysore
下午13:00~下午15:00 阿斯汤加瑜伽介绍和顺位 

第二天 星期三 6月22日 

上午7:00~上午9:30 Mysore
下午13:00~下午15:00 开髋,为莲花做准备 

第三天 星期四 6月23日 

上午7:00~上午9:30 Mysore
下午13:00~下午15:00 体式间的转换(串联)

第四天 星期五 6月24日 

上午7:00~上午9:30 Mysore
下午13:00~下午15:00 后弯 

第五天 星期六 6月25日 

上午7:00~上午9:30 Mysore
下午13:00~下午15:00 手臂平衡 

第六天 星期日 6月26日




完整工作坊 6月21-26日 

早鸟:5200RMB (5月20日截止 )


会员早鸟:  4800RMB (5月20日截止)

会员原价:  5400RMB

- 早鸟优惠将至2016年5月20日截止  

- 退款及取消 


- 全程英文授课,中文翻译。课时共25小时


Meet Dany Sa

Dany Sa. Ashtanga yoga teacher. Authorized Level 2 by KPJAYI    

Ballerina, completed her studies at the University of dance in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1998. She began practicing and studying the Yoga philosophy in 2002. Took part in the course of teacher training with professor Pedro Kupfer in Florianopolis ( SC, Brazil) completing Module I in 2005 and Module II in 2008. In 2006 she began practicing regularly Ashtanga Yoga with Professor Matthew Vollmer in Rio de Janeiro and expanded her studies with Professor Clayton Horton in San Francisco, where she became his assistant in the Ashtanga classes. 

Dany, has perfected her studies at the Ashtanga Yoga Institute (KPJAYI) Mysore, India, with the teachers Sharath Jois and Sarawasthi Jois. 

Dany Sa, takes the practice of Ashtanga Yoga as a philosophy of life and believes that through this practice we can seek self-knowledge, achieving a better and happier way of living. 

About the workshop

About Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient system of Yoga that was taught by Vamana Rishi in the Yoga Korunta. This text was imparted to Sri T. Krishnamacharya in the early 1900’s by his Guru Rama Mohan Brahmachari, and was later passed down to Pattabhi Jois during the duration of his studies with Krishnamacharya, beginning in 1927.

The following are aspects that Pattabhi Jois emphasizes as the main components of Ashtanga Yoga.

Vinyasa: Vinyasa means breathing and movement system. 

Tristhana: This means the three places of attention or action: posture, breathing system and looking place. These three are very important for yoga practice, and cover three levels of purification: the body, nervous system and mind. 

The six poisons: A vital aspect of internal purification that Pattabhi Jois teaches relates to the six poisons that surround the spiritual heart. In the yoga shastra it is said that God dwells in our heart in the form of light, but this light is covered by six poisons: kama, krodha, moha, lobha, matsarya, and mada. These are desire, anger, delusion, greed, envy and sloth. When yoga practice is sustained with great diligence and dedication over a long period of time, the heat generated from it burns away these poisons, and the light of our inner nature shines forth.

This forms the practical and philosophic basis of Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

Schedule & Content

Day 1  

TUE 21st June

7:00~9:30 Mysore
13:00~15:00 Elements of Ashtanga and alignments

Day 2

WED 22nd June

7:00~9:30 Mysore
13:00~15:00 Opening hips, preparing lotus pose    

Day 3

THUR 23rd June

7:00~9:30 Mysore
13:00~15:00 Transitions of postures( vinyasa system) 

Day 4

FRI 24th June

7:00~9:30 Mysore
13:00~15:00 Back bending   

Day 5

SAT 25th June

7:00~9:30 Mysore
13:00~15:00 Arms balance

Day 6

SUN 26th June

9:00~11:00 Led Class primary series  


Tuition & Terms and Conditions



(Ends 20th May)

Regular Price:5800RMB

Early-Bird for members:  4800RMB (Ends 20th May)

Regular for members:  5400RMB

- Early-bird Discount ends 20th May, 2016. Please see above for listed prices.

- Refund and Cancel Policy

No refund or credit will be given for cancellation starting 20th May 2016. All refunds are subject to a 10% processing fee that will be deducted from your refund. 

This workshop is taught in english with chinese translation. Class time is 25hrs in total.